The reception and Perpetuation of Dugins Specific Eurasianist Ideas among Tiraspol Elites


  • Serghei Pricopiuc West University of Timisoara



Alexandr Dugin, Eurasainsim, Transnistria, Political Influence, Leading Elites


This article investigates the influence of Duginist Eurasianism among
the elites of the self-proclaimed Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.
The investigative approach is divided into two major sections: the
analysis of Dugin’s Eurasian vision and the investigation of the
influences of Duginist Eurasianism among the elites of Tiraspol. Such
research is needed in the light of the political situation in Eastern
Europe, especially after the opening of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine.
It is important to investigate the influence of Duginist Eurasianism
in the Transnistrian region in order to anticipate possible decisionmaking
directions. In terms of understanding Duginist Eurasianism,
the philosopher’s perspective is investigated through his publications.
The same analytical approach is taken in order to capture its position
in relation to the importance of the Transnistrian region in its own
Eurasian plans. Regarding the research of the propagation of Dugin’s
Eurasianist ideas among the elites in Tiraspol, the perspectives of some
of the region’s politicians and intellectuals are investigated. Despite the
definite presence of the influences of the Eurasian Duginist among
the elites in the Transnistrian region, the research is not able to clarify
exactly the extent of the ideas among the Transnistrians. Importantly
though, the research records their existence and confirms their spread
among the ruling elites in the second decade of the 2000s.


